Thursday, 5 April 2012

How Your Mindset Affects You

How many times have you tried to make beneficial changes in your life? You may have planned on eating healthier, on releasing old relationships or on being a more positive person! Your attempts worked famously for a week and then you noticed old habits and attitudes creeping back bit by bit.

You are not alone in these repeated failed attempts. What most people don't realise is that for changes to last, we must change how we use our minds.

Just the other day I was chatting with my sister. She has had an ongoing battle with food (the love of it) for many years. Almost every diet she has tried has been successful for a short period of time. She slowly loses the weight she has been trying to lose and she starts feeling really good about herself. In fact she begins to feel so good about herself, that she begins to eat larger portions and more of what she loves again. Then, bam, the pounds find their way to steadily creep back on again as if out of nowhere. For her, or indeed anyone battling to lose weight and keep it off, it really can seem like a never ending one.

By comparison, for me, eating well has always come naturally. From an early age, I had a really good instinct for what foods I feel good after eating and what ones I am best avoiding. This is not a battle for me at all and after many years of study and self exploration, I understand why this is, but first let me share another story with you.

I once attended a workshop where the facilitator asked us to write down our top three goals in life. I won’t share all of mine with you, but health was one of my top three. Having this right up there as one of the most important areas for me to have control of in my life, meant that it made choosing the healthier option much easier for me than for say my sister. I can’t honestly say what her goals in life are, but I bet pleasure or having the freedom to chose whatever she likes whenever she likes is one of them. You see, what is important to you, really important to you, will have the biggest influence over how your day proceeds and what you chose to focus your energy on in general.  Most of the people attending the workshop were quite focused on making or having more money in their lives, yet, felt that this was eluding them. We were all split into smaller focus groups and we were working together in those groups to examine what we wanted to have more of in our lives and the possible reasons that we weren’t seeing them turn up. Most of us were very surprised to find out that after completing the exercise, money was right down at the bottom of what we had considered as important in our lives. This exercise helped us see what we really thought about money and showed us that most of us didn’t really think it was important enough to have it as one of our top three goals. We were then informed that until we shifted it up to become one of the areas we considered important, it would most likely elude us forever. One of the other women in the group, had lots of wonderful relationships in her life and couldn’t understand how some others in the group didn’t. The answer became very clear when we found out that she had family and relationships as one of the top three areas in life that were the most important to her. This meant, that she put a lot of effort and energy into making sure that nothing could come between her and keeping these relationships healthy and well. I hope this is making it a little easier to see how your mindset and how you view the world around you will have a large part on what is showing up in your own day to day world.

I said I’d share my thoughts on why eating healthy and not putting on weight is not a battle for me and believe me it is nothing to do with denying myself any foods I want, nor indeed do I possess anything low fat or calorie counted in my cupboards. You see, because one of my top three goals has been health it's not a big challenge for me to undertake a de-tox 3 times a year and make sure my diet is filled with lots of fresh fruit and veg and not stuff myself with tubs of Ben and Jerry’s on the sofa every night. Nor indeed do I find it difficult to maintain exercising 4 times a week and always choosing to engage in activities that I love like weight training, dancing and Pilates. I am by no way blowing my own trumpet here, what I am hoping to show you is that by shifing your goals and mindset, you can really bring something closer to you that you thought was farther away. You see you must change how you view it. In my experience, one tool that has proven to be very successful in helping this change of mindset to occur is NLP.


NLP is a powerful tool that can help with making real shifts in how we view things.

NLP gives us the tools to change our ‘mind states’ so we can become more content in our professional and personal lives. Using NLP techniques brings about lasting changes, a concept which may have seemed so elusive in the past.

NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. It provides a set of psychological practical tools which teach us how to become more motivated and better communicators.

NLP is one of  'the most important synthesis of information available today about human communication'.

  • NLP explores how we think and how we behave
  • NLP allows us to become effective communicators
  • NLP shows us that choosing different thoughts can lead to more win/win situations in our lives.

Reasons for YOU to use NLP in your life!
  • As a tool to change something in your life that isn't working the way you would like it to be.
  • To change your current thought patterns forever!
  • To become a better communicator.
It seems that it is simple then! All you need to do is change how you see the food you are eating and it will make it a lot easier to chose the healthier option when it is presente to you. No big fuss, no denying yourself that last piece of chocolate, or the second pud but you feel totally deprived because you can't have it.  Change how you view it, and your body will do the rest.

I hope you round this post helpful and would love to know, so do get in touch if you find a free minute in your day.

Best wishes,


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