Monday 4 April 2011

7 Day Spring Cleanse

Kitchen Greenie’s

7 Day Spring Cleanse

A lighter, brighter, healthier you…in just one week.

Have you got some nasty little food habits that you would like to kick?

Are the pounds creeping on?
Are the kids taking it out of you now because you’re not as young as you used to be???
What about too many aches and pains?
Just feel sluggish after the comfort eating of the winter?

Well then maybe this 7 day kick start cleanse is for you…..

Look, there’s no easy way to say this, but we are a great big bunch of energy zapping addicts.  Addicted to sugar, coffee, alcohol….the list goes on.  Thing is, in order to break this habitual way of eating….e.g. eating any old thing just to fill the gap or constantly eating those little treats, that are more the norm rather than the exception nowadays. By undertaking a cleanse you are choosing to nip these nasty little habits in the bud and end up feeling pretty great as a by-product of this elimination process.
The bottom line is, we all need to do a cleanse every now and then in order to maintain a healthy God Pod and Spring is the perfect time to do it.  Just think about it, with the brighter weather and longer days, we feel intuitively guided to clean our homes and wear lighter clothes. We also seem to have no difficulty doing this, yet when it comes to our body, we seem to think that we can eat what we like, when we like, so long as we exercise it off! And get away with it.  Well, guess what?? You can’t. Let’s think of your body as less like a house, and more like a bank account.  If we continually take money out of my bank account, our account ends up in the red right?  Well, the same holds true for your body.  It was not designed to take the daily onslaught of pollutions, from the environmental type such as those we find in our atmosphere from cars, microwaves, televisions to those found in our food such as pesticides, herbicides and growth enhancers and many more.  However, all this said, our bodies are constantly detoxing from the by-products that are produced from respiration and our normal metabolic processes, and unless you are facing a serious illness, you should consider undertaking a cleanse slowly.  If you were to stop eating all together for a week and only drink water, the body may feel it safe to dump a lot of acids into your system, because of the reduced load from the lack of food, however, it could be quite unsafe to do so. My advice is that is it is always better to undertake something like a detox slowly, to let your body slowly acclimatise. 
The purpose of this 7 day cleanse is to help you regain some of that good feeling back into your own body.   To help you feel at home in your body again and to allow our natural bodily systems to remember what it is like to feel brighter, lighter and healthy again.

Our habits, both good and bad are deeply ingrained in us.  Our habits feel comfortable.  Like a best friend. But just because something feels comfortable doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

Your future is definitely in your hands and one seriously good way to have a brighter one is to make different food choices.

Give me 7 days of your life and I will help you change the way you eat forever……..

What you will get from me………

  • A daily email of inspiration and motivation, support and guidance.
  • Recipes galore for those evening meals that you won’t have a clue what to make because the recipes don’t contain meat, to lunches that won’t leave you craving for something sweet afterwards. You will receive a recipe daily whether it’s how to make your own dairy free, nut milk to some super, charged, incredible desserts that you will be able to have while cleansing.  These emails will help keep you on track and provide an arsenal of live, great food recipes that you can use time and time again to wow your friends.  Being healthy has never been so good.
  • Access to your very own personal, holistic health and lifestyle coach.   I will endeavour to answer your questions within 24 hours from cleansing reactions to providing motivation when you’ve fallen off the wagon, which most of us do, but if there’s someone that you have to be answerable to, it’s much easier to get right back on and begin again.
  • Advice on which are the best supplements to take.
  • Alternatives to those toxic household and skincare products that you may currently be using.
  • Email advice on acid/alkaline balance and how the best tips for keeping it in balance.  This will include the top 5 best easiest and hassle free ways to change your body’s ph to one that is more alkaline.
  • Physical exercise reminders. These will be gentle, but a reminder nevertheless.  You won’t get fully healthy until you begin to move.  You need to raise your heart rate at least 30 mins a day for optimum wellness.
With all this in mind…..I am only one person.  I will always try to answer your questions to the best of my ability, however, I need to remind you that I am not a doctor.  Nor do I have any form of medical training.  I have been working and studying in the natural health and wellness industry for over 20 years, but it doesn’t mean I am perfect.  I have training in both health and fitness and naturopathic nutrition, but mainly I know about the power of cleansing from doing it myself.  I also know how good a tin of shortbread tastes.  This cleanse is not about being perfect, however, it is about giving it a go.  It’s an inexpensive way for you to link into something that will have you feeling a lot better physically that you do now.  There will be an emotional release at some stage, so if you find yourself crying in the middle of your kitchen for no apparent reason, that’s ok. It is a perfectly normal reaction and all I can say is just go with it.

All this aside, I can almost guarantee that you will feel lighter, brighter and healthier.

Financial Details

Cost: I will be charging €40 for the week’s cleanse. 
Method of payment is either via cheque to my home address, which will be provided upon application or via Paypal if you have an account set up with them.

Kitchen Greenie 7 Day Cleanse

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