Thursday, 27 October 2011

Will You Help Me Be Better?

"We get Results in Accordance with the Real Values we Give"

And value is what I want to give you, but while I can say with hand on heart that after 25 years of being in the natural health & beauty industry, I have leart that every one of  you is unique and individual. This means that each of you will be more interested in some of the articles that I write than others. I am hoping you will help me understand what those interests are in order to help me serve you better, but also to avoid myself spending too much time writing and posting less than interesting information.
As each article I write or recipe I post, takes a lot time to organise and get out to you, I need YOU to tell me what YOU would like me to be writing more about. There is no point in me pouring my guts down on paper if it is not something that you want to hear so it is my intention to focus a lot more on what you want to hear and not only what I want to write about.

Personally, I know what works for me when it comes to feeling good, colours that work for me, the people I like to be surrounded with, styles that support me well, foods that give me energy, help me sleep well and keep me healthy but what about you?

What are you struggling with?

What way do you like to learn?

What would you like to learn more of from  me?

I have put together a small survey that I hope won't take you any longer than 5 minutes to answer.

So, with all that said please find below.........
The quickest survey ever...

A) What is your greatest challenge when it comes to eating well?

1. Money.
2. Time.
3. Knowledge.
4. Commitment.
5. All of the above.
6. None of the above.

B) How much time in any given week do you spend in the kitchen preparing meals?

1. 2 hours.
2. 4 hours.
3. 6 hours.
4 All of the above.
5. None of the above.

C) What is your preferred method of learning new information that you are interested in?

1. Going to a class.
2. Reading a book
3. Downloading an ebook followed up by a seminar or class
4. Getting a coach
5. All of the above
6. None of the above

D) Please select from the following, the topics that are of most interest to you?

1. Natural Beauty - including, essential oils information, skin care, chemical free products
2. Kitchen aids, blenders, juicers, food processors - essential equipment for a healthy kitchen
3. Living foods info, vegetarian recipes, green smoothies healthy holiday foods 
4. Green glamour, bringing the glamour into green, including green gifts, unique style ideas, helping you find your stylish green side.
5. All of the above
6  None of the above

E) Would any of the following be beneficial to your life?

1. Coaching, both off line, on line and tele-seminars.
2. On line daily support programme
3. Home visits
4. On line courses in living a green lifestyle
5 All of the above
6 None of the above

I am always delighted to hear any comments that you have or if there is anything that you have not seen here that you would definitely like me to write more on, then please let me know.

Your own comments here: ----------------------------------------

You're done!

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I really am ever so grateful to you.

Best wishes,


Ps: I will be posting up the results over the next few days...can't wait to see what you all say.

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